News type: Otros
Telecontrol STM has been awarded a contract with Gas Natural Fenosa Telecomunicaciones, S.A. for services “adapting facilities and installation of routers GPRS/3G in transformation centers”.  
Telecontrol STM just to sign an agreement of global guidance and collaboration with the prestigious lawyers bureau Rull y Zalba. In adition to their professional services of tax and finalcial advice, company has from now the support with the professionals of this bureau in order to get a strategic development in medium and long-term.
The project consists in to aid to the integration into society of electric vehicles through the development of an integrated management system smart charging of electric vehicles within an electrical network.
Telecontrol STM, Ltc, has been recently described as provider of two large utilities, such as Red Eléctrica de España and Endesa.
On September 19, Telecontrol STM attends the opening Interoperability Laboratory ITE (Institute of Energy Technology, Valencia), inaugurated by the Conseller of Economy, Industry and Commerce of Valencia, Maximum Buch. Attendees by Telecontrol STM and invited by the ITE were: Oscar Martinez (Manager), Rafael Gomez (Director Computer of Software Factory), Arturo Martín ( commercial manager) and Carlos Fernández ( IT Director).
Telecontrol STM has embarked on a collaboration agreement with GNF for the ITAC@ project. The ITAC@ Project undertakes activities focused on capturing value in the short, medium and long term with the project of meter deployment, positioning itself technologically via the development of R+D+i projects and participation alone or in national or international consortia, participating actively in platforms for standardization and regulation and defining a new business framework based on a transformation of processes, stemming from technological changes.
