Telecontrol STM, Ltc: company rated by leading utilities

Approved iconTelecontrol STM, Ltc, has been recently described as provider of two large utilities, such as Red Eléctrica de España and Endesa.

This coupled with the existing qualifications as providers Union Fenosa and Iberdrola, consolidates our company as a leader in the field of telecontrol and protection of electricity distribution networks at the national level.

The most importance of being a qualified company is the evidence of having competitive capabilities that raise insurance to fulfill their commitments in quality, form and time with those companies who ask for our services.

For the spanish utilities and companies which are seeking reliable providers who at least have shown that work based on industry best practices including disciplines and order, the solution is to go to their lists of qualified providers. In this manner, they have the warranty to find competitive providers which are able to offer them an excelent service.

Monday, February 18, 2013