PIC files: automatic creation from IRIS

IRIS Platform for PRIME devices, has many capacities of integration in order to meet needs of customer.

Each utility has own ways to work, own specific needs. For that, is a challenge for either Management Platform develop a mechanism to adapt them and offers the basic needs too.

With IRIS Platform this is possible: each specific need of the customer can be implemented as extension of system. The new Iris Platform 0.7 which has been launched to market provides a set of fifteen extensions to meet needs of special cases. This feature of IRIS Platform 0.7 improves highly the integration with the utility's environment.

These are some examples:

  • Daily creation by automatic way of files with daily billing in PIC format which is needed in order to pass information in CIDE companies. This IRIS's automatic feature saving to customer a lot of weekly and monthly hours of work. Nowadays this automatic creation of files is used in many utilities which use IRIS.
  • Notification by email for eventually communication breakdown of gateways. This was a special need which a customer suggested us.
  • Integration in system of device's policies. The "policy" concept is not used by all utilities. Thanks to IRIS's flexibility these users can locate their devices and customers by this identifier besides the CUPS, serial number or any identifier.

and some others.

Thus, IRIS Platform for PRIME's devices has a set of extensions which are able to meet particular needs of any customers.

The IRIS's philosophy is to can adapt to ways to work of customer without any effort for them.

Software is only useful providing value and saving time and money and this is a reality with IRIS.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013