Deployment of IRIS Software Platform completed at EMOSCOSO utility

Recently has been completed the deployment of IRIS Software Platform at Eléctrica de MOSCOSO S.L., a galician utility company (Spain).

With this new IRIS customer that from now on will benefit from important savings provided by IRIS within the operation of its metering infraestrcuture, is importan to point out the integration developed with EMOSCOSO billing software. Actually, this is one of the important features of IRIS: its abiliity as a platforma to export all information that manages in any format (xml, csv, etc.) and the ability to report it by any way (ftp, shared drives, web services invocations, etc.)

From Telecontrol STM, will keep working hard with this new customer to get this high level of satisfaction it has when using our platform IRIS and our excelent technical support, the only hallmark of our products and support services of our company.


Friday, January 16, 2015