Commitment with the security and the health

Telecontrol STM has developed a management system for prevention, integrated into the internal system, with the intention to actively involve to all employees of the company.

Both management and workers acquire the responsibility for PRL policy which they are entitled according to the position held in the organization.

Compromiso de seguridad y salud

The prevention policy developed in Telecontrol STM is mainly based on the development of the following:

  • In our actions will always give more importance to prevention over correction.
  • The prevention planning will try to integrate technology, organization, working conditions, social relationships and the influence of environmental values​​.
  • Our commitment is to protect the safety and health of all our employees with the strong conviction that accidents and occupational diseases can and should be avoided.
  • Corporate safety and health system pursue the continuous improvement, therefore, training and awareness courses about the management system are periodically offered.
  • Human resources and material necessary for the performance of preventive activities through the involvement and commitment of employees, providers and subcontracted companies are guaranteed.
  • We always are trying to maintain the downward trend in accident rates, as evidence of our good work on preventive issues.